
Kilsham Farm, Kilsham Lane, Petworth, GU28 0LJ

Coming from Petworth direction you need to get on the A285 heading to Chichester.  You will reach the Coultershaw Bridge, you will pass the Badgers Pub on your left, start indicating as you pass the pub as we are the next turning on your right. There is a bridleway sign post and no other signs.  If you get to the Farm shop you have gone too far and will need to turn around.  Turn down the lane, pass two houses on your right and we are the next turning on your left.

Coming from Chichester direction on the A285.  You will pass through Duncton and head out towards Petworth.  You will pass Chandlers Builders Merchant and Ted's Farm Shop on your left.  Go down the hill and you will see a sign with a turning to you left. Start indicating here and you will pass a brick bridge wall and the turning is here, if you get to the Badger Pub you have gone too far and will need to turn around. Follow above instructions once on the lane.

Tel: 07731 784286

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