Hen Holiday T's & c's

Terms & Conditions

*Minimum stay cost for any number of birds is £25

*25% deposit is non returnable. Balance is due on arrival.

* All birds will be inspected on arrival. We reserve the right to refuse admission to your birds if they are showing signs of infectious disease, injury or are in poor condition.  In order to protect all poultry, your birds may be treated with an anti-mite product on arrival.

* Birds will be dropped at the gate, there is no admission to the garden due to bio security

* Your birds will be kept together in their own Eglu coops with secure 2 metre runs. The coops are plastic which enables us to completely clean and sanitise them between  guests. Your birds will not free range nor will they mix with other poultry. The coop will be cleaned when required.

* The birds will be fed layers pellets ad lib during the day, some mixed corn as treats in the evening.

* We CANNOT be held responsible for any loss or damage to your birds whilst in our care due to circumstances beyond our control.

 *If your bird becomes ill during its stay with us, we will take it to our vets (unless you have instructed us not to do so).  All vet bills and mileage costs incurred, will need to be settled on collection

* Charges are per day, part days will be charged at full day rate .A 25% deposit will be required from you on booking. The deposit will be used as part payment. Balance payment will be due in full on delivery of your birds to us. We do not accept credit or debit cards. Payment should be in cash or cheque or via PayPal.

*  Drop off and collection 

* Birds must be delivered in secure carriers, clearly marked with your name. You may leave these with us for re-use on collection if you text before you come we will endeavour to have the birds ready for you.

* If birds are not collected within three days of the agreed collection date and you have not contacted us we will bill at £10 per coop a day

* We do not rehome birds left with us, they will be dispatched if owner fails to contact us after 7 days from original collection date.



This is an Image & Text block. Click on this text to start editing and enter your own text with some basic formatting. Just click anywhere outside the text box when you're done to continue working on the rest of your page.

Hover your mouse over the image opposite to show the image toolbar. Image Settings lets you choose an image from your library, or upload a new one, and change related settings. The crop tool lets you select the Aspect Ratio, or proportions, of your image and position the image within the space. You can also drag and drop images directly from your computer on to this page, and they will be uploaded to your image library automatically.

To change the layout and appearance of a block, such as the size of its images and columns, click on the Change Layout button on the block toolbar, to the right of each block. With this block, if you have entered a large amount of text, so that it exceeds the height of the image, your text will wrap beneath the image rather than just increasing the length of one column. These can be useful when you wish to create longer article pages that have images interspersed throughout the text.

This is an Image & Text block. Click on this text to start editing and enter your own text with some basic formatting. Just click anywhere outside the text box when you're done to continue working on the rest of your page.

Hover your mouse over the image opposite to show the image toolbar. Image Settings lets you choose an image from your library, or upload a new one, and change related settings. The crop tool lets you select the Aspect Ratio, or proportions, of your image and position the image within the space. You can also drag and drop images directly from your computer on to this page, and they will be uploaded to your image library automatically.

To change the layout and appearance of a block, such as the size of its images and columns, click on the Change Layout button on the block toolbar, to the right of each block. With this block, if you have entered a large amount of text, so that it exceeds the height of the image, your text will wrap beneath the image rather than just increasing the length of one column. These can be useful when you wish to create longer article pages that have images interspersed throughout the text.